Architectural THEORY

Architectural THEORY

Сумата се прибавя директно в кошницата

19.72 лв.

Бърза поръчка

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6 Preface Bernd Evers
8 Introduction Chnslof Thoenes
20 1 i di1/ -'Of .< nermann, Alexander Gronert, Christoph Jobst, Roswitha Stewering
I eon Batura .liberti 2_ ; Ai. mm Averimo. called Filerete 28 I Francesco di Giorgio Martini 38 | Anonymous 48 | Fra Giovano Gioendo .iaV rona so ■ Cesari Cesariano 66 | Sebastiano Serlio 76 1 Iacomo Barozzi da Vignola 86 1
Pietra Calanco 9o , Barbaro in i Andrea Palladio no 1 Vincenzo Scamozzi ne | Guarino Guarini ш I Andica Puzzo iaò 1 <> de' Bossi 148 i Giuseppe Galli Bibiena 156 I Giovanni Battista Piranesi ш |
Beriuido Cunei p i lttonc i * I ran.‘esco Milìzia and Giovanni Battista Cipriani i8i
192 France In L tan I ungang, fari Kremeier
Viilai'd de liutmtiMurf ,ч Jean Martin 202 | Philibert de l’Orme 212 1 Jacques Androuet du Cerceau 220 | ^
Pierre Le Mutt | iidaml brenrt dt Chambray 240 | Claude Perrault 248 | Francois Blondel 258 I Augustin ChaiLs D’Auler i-i i Joan Louis de Cordemoy 274 | Charles-Etienne Briseux 278 | Germain Boffrand 288 |
Jacques -Капаче Jlondel s»u I Marc-Antoine Laugier 310 1 Marie-Joseph Peyre 312 | Claude-Nicolas Ledoux ns | „can Ntcuka-r ms Durand 328 | Jean-Baptiste Rondelet and Guillaume Abel Blouet 336 |
Eugene iianujnuu Vjolltl-le-Due 344
356 Spain Barbara Bomgàsser Klein
Diego de Sagredo 358 1 Juan Bautista Villalpando 366 | Fray Lorenzo de San Nicolas 378 |
Juan Caraintiel de Lobkowitz зае


826 Bibliography 834 Index
398 England Canteri Ruhl

John Shufe 400 | Henry Wotton 406 1 Colon Campbell 412 | James Gibbs 422 ! Robert Morris 430 | Isaac Ware 438 William Chambers 446 | Augustus Welby Pugin 454 | John Ruskin 462
470 Germany
Bernd Evers, Jiirgen Zimmer
Albrecht Durer 472 | Walther Rivius or Ryff 482 | Hans Blum 494 | Hans Vredeman de Vries 500 ! Daniel Speckle 510 Wendel Dietterlin 520 | Joseph Furttenbach the Elder 530 | Abraham Leuthner von Grand! S40 | Nicolaus Goldmann and Leonhard Christoph Sturm sso 1 Paulus Deeker seo | Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach 574 | Friedrich Weinbrenner 586 | Karl Friedrich Schinkel 594 | Leo von Klenze 604 i Christian Carl Josias Bunsen, Johann Gottfried Gutensohn, Johann Michael Knapp 612 | Heinrich Hiibsch 622 | Gottfried Semper 626 | Friedrich Hoffstadt 634 |

Carl Alexander Heideloff 642 | Georg Gottlob Ungewitter 648
20th century
Camillo Sitte eeo | Ebenezer Howard 668 | Adolf Loos 674 | Tony Gamier 680 ! Bruno Taut 692 | Le Corbusier 704 | Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson 714 1 Walter Gropius 722 1 Frank Lloyd Wright 732 I Paul Schmitthenner 742 1 Sigfried Giedion 752 | Council of Ministers of the GDR 764 [ Archigram 770 | Kisho Kurokawa 7/6 | Aldo Rossi 782 | Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour 790 | Charles A. Jencks 802 | Rem Koolhaas 812

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