Fly High Fun Grammar 3

Fly High Fun Grammar 3

Сумата се прибавя директно в кошницата

11.40 лв.

Бърза поръчка

Платформата не носи отговорност за авторските права и съдържанието на споделените в нея учебни материали. Ако споделен учебен материал нарушава Вашите авторски права се свържете с нас.

Hello, girls and boys! 2 Unit 10 Comparatives 42
Unit 1 be: affirmative and 4 Superlatives 44
negative Unit 11 Past simple: was/were 46
Yes/No questions 5 affirmative
Unit 2 have got: affirmative 7 Negative and Yes/No
and negative questions 48
Yes/No questions 8 Fun Grammar Review 5 50
Fun Grammar Review 1 10 Unit 12 Past simple: regular verbs 52
Units Present simple: 12 affirmative and negative
affirmative Yes/No questions 54
Negative and Yes/No Irregular verbs 56
questions 14 Fun Grammar Review 6 58
Unit 4 ' Present simple: 17 Unit 13 Can (for permission) 60
Adverbs of frequency must/mustn't 62
Fun Grammar Review 2 20 Unit 14 Object pronouns: 64
Units Present continuous: 22 me, you, him, her,
affirmative and negative it, us, you, them
Yes/No questions 24 Unit 15 will: affirmative, negative 66
Unit 6 Imperatives: Let's/Don't 26 and Yes/No questions
Fun Grammar Review 3 28 Fun Grammar Review 7 68
Unit? Possessive adjectives: 30 I can do this! 70
my, your, his, her, its, I can do this! . 72
our, your, their
Whose...?'s 32 I can do this! 74
Unit 8 Countable and 34 Look what I can do! 76
uncountable nouns:
much! many/iots of 36
Unit 9 Irregular plurals 38

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