Go molecular! A clinical reference guide to molecular allergy Part 1 The basics

Go molecular! A clinical reference guide to molecular allergy Part 1 The basics

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9.12 лв.

Етикети: Go molecular! A clinical reference guide to molecular allergy Part 1 The basics, gomolecular, Ксерокопия

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Introduction: Molecular allergens tell us more                                                     

Protein families                                                                                                         

Allergen component nomenclature                                                                    

Specific and cross-reactive allergens                                                               

Other clinical considerations                                                                                

Food allergy                                                                                                            

Plant components                                                                                                  

Interpreting results from cross-reactive protein families                                   

Summary of plant food components                                                                   

Plant allergen components in some common foods                                         

Other allergen components                                                                                 

Immunotherapeutics Aeroallergens and venoms                                         

Common questions regarding molecular components                                  


Educational resources                                                                                          

Using ImmunoCAP Allergen Component tests                                                 

ImmunoCAP Allergen Component list                                                               

ImmunoCAP ISAC112i Allergen Components     

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