Русский язык в упражнениях
Сумата се прибавя директно в кошницата
13.68 лв.
Introductory Lexical and Grammatical Course
The Noun. The Singular. The Questions Что Amo? Kmo Amo? . . 15
The Verb. The Present Tense 19
The Question Как? 21
The Question Когда? 24
The Question Что д£лает? 25
Revision Exercises 28
The Gender of Nouns 29
The Possessive Pronouns мой, твой, наш and ваш 29
The Verb. The Past Tense 31
The Verb. The Future Tense . . 35
The Plural of Nouns 37
Possessive Pronouns. The Question Чей? 40
The Construction У меня, у тебА есть 42
The Demonstrative Pronouns Amom, Ата, Amo, Amu. The Question
Какбй? КакйА? Какбе? КакйК? 45
The Adjective 47
Adjectives with the Stem ending in a Hard Consonant .... 47
Adjectives with the Stem ending in a Soft Consonant..... 48
Adjectives with the Stem ending in г, «, jc 49
Adjectives and Adverbs. The Questions Какбй? and Как? ... 52
Use of the Verbs хотйть, дюбйть, мочь and the Word должен with the Infinitive 53
Basic Course
The Use of the Cases The Prepositional Case
The Prepositional used to Denote Place 57
Singular Nouns in the Prepositional 57
The Prepositional used to Denote the Object of Speech
or Thought 64
Personal Pronouns in the Prepositional 65
Singular Adjectives in the Prepositional 66
Possessive Pronouns in the Prepositional 70
The Pronoun свой in the Prepositional 71
Plural Nouns and Adjectives in the Prepositional 73
The Prepositional used to Denote Time 75
The Prepositional used in Other Meanings 77
The Accusative Case
The Accusative used to Denote the Object of an Action .... 78
Singular Nouns in the Accusative 78
Singular Adjectives and Pronouns in the Accusative 82
Personal Pronouns in the Accusative 87
Plural Nouns in the Accusative . . . . * 88
Plural Adjectives and Pronouns in the Accusative 90
The Accusative of Direction 92
Use of the Accusative Case with the Verbs класть — поАОжйть,
ставить — поставить and вешать — повесить 98
The Accusative used to Denote Time 101
The Dative Case
The Dative used to Denote the Person toward Whom an Action
is Directed 103
Singular Nouns in the Dative 103
Plural Nouns in the Dative 107
Personal Pronouns in the Dative 108
Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns in the Dative Ill
The Dative used with the Verb нравиться П5
The Dative used to Denote Age 116
The Dative in Impersonal Sentences 118
Use of the Dative Case with Prepositions 120
The Genitive Case
Singular Nouns in the Genitive 126
HUWWpwwM m ya.uiimnnnL.il ij i HUIMITT
Use of Ihe Genitive after the Negative Words нет, не било,
не будет • 126
Singular Adjectives and Pronouns in the Genitive 128
Use of the Genitive with the Numerals два, три and четйре 131
Plural Nouns in the Genitive 133
Use of the Genitive with много, мйло, сколько, н£сколько,
немного and the Numerals пять, шесть, семь, etc 133
Plural Adjectives and Pronouns in the Genitive 138
The Genitive used to Denote Possession 140
The Adnominal Genitive 142
The Genitive used with the Comparative Degree 144
The Genitive used to Denote the Date 145
Use of the Genitive with Prepositions 146
The Instrumental Case
Singular Nouns in the Instrumental 155
The Sociative Instrumental 155
Singular Adjectives and Pronouns in the Instrumental 158
Personal Pronouns in the Instrumental 160
Plural Nouns, Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns in the
Instrumental 161
The Instrumental used as the Nominal Predicative 163
The Instrumental after the Verbs заниматься, mmepeco-
ваться, etc 165
The Instrumental used to Denote Place 166
The Instrumental in Passive Constructions 167
The Instrumental used in Its Proper Meaning 168
The Instrumental used in Other Meanings 168
Revision Exercises on the Uses of the Cases 170
The Verb
Verbs of Motion
Unprefixed Verbs of Motion and the Verbs пойтй and поехать 173
The Verb udmu. The Present Tense 173
The Verb ходйть. The Past Tense 174
The Verb пойтй. The Future Tense .... 177
The Verb ехать. The Present Tense 180
The Verb ездить. The Past Tense .'!!!! 181
The Verb поехать. The Future Tense !!!!.' 184
The Verbs идтй —■ ходйть 185
The Verbs ехать — бздить. . , , 187