Solutions A2 Workbook

Solutions A2 Workbook

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11.40 лв.

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Look at the pictures and complete the chart with the phrases below. Then complete sentences 1-5 with the information from the chart.
I love I don’t like I don't mind I like I can't stand I hate I'm really keen on
2 Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. More than one answer may be possible.
can’t stand hate don’t mind quite like really keen love terrible isn't bad is great
Kim So, are you excited about the start of school?
Dave No, I'm not really excited. 11 school,
but it's not my favourite thing in the world.
Kim We're very different. 12 3 school! I really
enjoy learning new things. What subjects do you like?
Dave 13 IT, because I’m interested in
computers. And there's one subject I really enjoy-drama. I’m4 5 on drama. I think acting
Kim Really? We’re very different that way too.
16_ drama. I just get too scared in
front of people. What do you think of maths?
Dave I really don't like it. Actually, 17 maths!
I just can't understand it It's 8 I
Kim Different again! I like maths, and I enjoy science a lot too.
Dave OK, science9 . It's actually kind of
Kim Well, I'm happy we agree on something ...
3 Read definitions 1-9 and match them with the activities below.
cycling volleyball chess ice hockey board games basketball swimming drawing videogames
1 a game where you bounce a ball and try to throw it through
a hoop
2 making pictures with a pencil or pen
3 exercising in water
4 a game with 32 pieces on a board, including a king and
5 games with pieces that you play on a table
6 games you play on a computer or TV screen
7 ridingabike
8 a game you play on ice with a long stick
9 a game where you hit a ball with your hands over a high net
1 I can't stand .


1 Complete the dialogues with the correct present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 A: (you / go) to the gym every day?
B: No, I (not go) every day.
I (go) three times a week.
2 A: (Sam/study) at your school?
B: No, he (not study) there. He
(study) at a private school.
3 A: Does your mother (teach) English?
B: Yes, she does. She also (teach) French
and Spanish. She (be) very good at
4 A: (your parents/work) in London?
B: No, they don't. They both (work) in
5 A: (you/practise) much before you
perform a new play?
B: Yes, we (practise) for weeks
before the first performance, and the director (make) a lot of changes.
2 Complete the voice message with the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Hi Steve! It's Sean. How are things? I hope you are
well.1 (you / have) a good time in
Hull? 12 (call) from my grandparents'
house in Cornwall. My sister and 13
(stay) here for a couple of weeks, and we4
(enjoy) it a lot. 15 (plan) to
study for my exams later, but now 16
(relax). I'm not totally lazy, though - 17
(run) every morning. Jake and I
8 . (think) about spending a month in
Spain. Would you like to go with us? Let me know! Well, the sun 9 (shine) so I think Fll
j go for a walk, Bye!
4 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or
present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Josh at least one point in every game he
plays, (score)
2 I that they will give Kate a place on the
team, (believe)
3 Susan to finish her homework today, (try)
4 My dad Chinese food tonight, (cook)
5 My brother loves books. He a book every
week, (read)
6 I all of my old Friends DVDs this week.
7 Sam before 7 a.m., even on Sundays, (get up)
8 Look out of the window. A big storm !
9 Lisa usually video games when she gets
home, (play)
10 I what you're saying, but I don't agree with
it. (understand)
5 Complete the email with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
mJ i
Shakespeare, and this year we 5
A Midsummer Night's Dream. It’s a great play because it 6 (have] so many different roles. We 7
(practise] about six hours a day and we’re performing
the play in public next week. 18 (try] very hard
to learn my lines. 19
play, and sometimes 110
playing! Anyway, 111 (believe) it will be a great
performance. My grandparents 12 (travel) from
Leeds next week just to see me in the play. I know you 13
(be) very busy at camp, but 114 (hope)
to hear from you soon.
Take care!
tense (1-6).
1 something that happens regularly
2 verbs not used in continuous tenses
3 something happening at this moment Q
4 stating a fact or law Q
5 something happening around this time Q
6 a future plan Q
[be] everything? I hope you
(have] a great time at football camp this week.
(enjoy] my summer drama project.
(put on] a play by
(work] on
Every summer we 4
(play] two parts in the [forget] which part I’m
a I am leaving for London at 6 a.m. tomorrow, b The Earth goes around the sun. c I always play basketball on Saturdays, d They are spending a lot of time together these days, е I need some help with homework, f Look outside-it's snowing!

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