Zoology The Animal Kingdom A complete course in 1000 questions and Answers Jessop

Zoology The Animal Kingdom A complete course in 1000 questions and Answers Jessop

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30.78 лв.

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1. Introduction to Zoology . 1

2. Animal Architecture  9

3. Chemical Basis of Life 21

4. The History of Life     37

5. Heredity and Evolution . 45

6. Cells as Organisms: Meet the Protists ............... 62

7. The Lower Metazoans: Parazoa and Mesozoa 82

8. Eumetazoans: Development and Diversification ........ 93

9. The Radiata: Cnidarians and Ctenophores ............. 107

10. The Acoelomate Bilateria    125

11. The Pseudocoelomates 140

12. Larval Links, Branch Points, and Minor Mysteries ...... 150

13. Mollusks     162

14. Segmented Worms and Walking Worms 178

15. Joint-Legged Protostomes: The Arthropods 193

16. Crustaceans and Uniramian Mandibulates . 210

17. Echinoderms and Lesser Deuterostomes   236

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